Manifest your PERFECT DAY ☀️ Morning Meditation for Ultimate Success

Описание к видео Manifest your PERFECT DAY ☀️ Morning Meditation for Ultimate Success

Start your day with this short but ✨POWERFUL✨Morning Meditation that will quickly help you manifest your Perfect Day.

Yes, just 7 short minutes can do this...!

You can manifest success*, positivity, peace, harmony......whatever it is you want with this guided visualisation practice.

Starting your day with clear intentions and positivity is a recipe for Miracles. Ultimate success* is yours for the taking. 💞
*whatever this may mean to you!

When To Use
This is designed to be used immediately upon waking, (or as soon as is possible for you). Those minds of ours are especially susceptible to suggestion at this point, making this a super powerful time to set intentions and manifestations.

How To Use
The most powerful way to use this is the way that works for you - if that's lying, or sitting in bed with your eyes closed then that's perfect. But if that doesn't work for you, (for whatever reason....maybe you've overslept or you'll just fall back to sleep and that is not an option..!) then you can listen whilst going about your usual morning routine - whilst brushing your teeth, making coffee or getting dressed etc. But remember to actually follow along, set your intentions, see, feel and visualise as much as you can.
Or at the very least take some deep breaths and smile. 🥰

How often to use
Make it part of your routine. Use it as often as you can.
There really is no reason not to. The more you practice, the more powerful it will become AND the easier and more natural it will become. Eventually you'll find you do it automatically.

I think thats all for now, I hope you enjoy it.

Any more questions pop them below and I'll attempt to get round to them all. Likewise please make any suggestions for meditations you would like.

Thank you as always for liking and subscribing, it really is what enables me to keep this free channel going.

Much Love, alice ❄️

Music by Moonlight_Sounds - licensed to this channel by Envato Market. (purchase code available on request) 💜
All visuals from


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