Direct Conversion Receiver — There is a Lot to Learn from this Simple Device

Описание к видео Direct Conversion Receiver — There is a Lot to Learn from this Simple Device

Here is a progress report on Direct Conversion Receiver developments.
Dual Tuned Circuit, Diode Ring with Diplexer, PTO VFO from Farhan's Daylight rig, two stage 49 db BJT AF amp with a transformer.
It works very well.
I discuss: Shielding of the VFO -- necessary or not?
Why brass in the PTO?
Do we really need 100db in a receiver, especially with ear buds?
Sourcing the AF amplifier's transformer.
Using W7EL's diplexer. (I think it has solved my Radio Marti breakthrough problem).
Developing a DC RX circuit that can be built by students.

I end with a bandsweep of 40 meters that includes CW, FT-8, SSB, and AM.


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