[Gwent] Wilson's Kellyless Kelly Deck

Описание к видео [Gwent] Wilson's Kellyless Kelly Deck

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Okay, so it's not much of a secret that Kelly decks are really more Ciri Dash decks than Kelly decks, and what better way to demonstrate that than to just swap out Kelly for other stuff. Swapping out Kelly comes with the additional benefit of not having to deal with that pesky conflict between Alzur creating units, and Kelly eating them. This list has a lot of weird cards, and probably memes a little closer to the sun than a sane person would, but it works pretty well. The only games we were dropping were against decks with multiple tall removal tools, and we ended up going overall 11-4 on the night with this deck.

decklist: https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/31...
00:00:00 Rage of the Seas
00:08:11 Hunger
00:15:26 Enslave
00:23:52 Commandos
00:31:11 Patricidal
00:41:29 Enslave


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