Decorg - The Complexion of Nature's Beauty

Описание к видео Decorg - The Complexion of Nature's Beauty

** Lyrics by Wind Rain **

In the dawn’s first light, a whisper calls,
A gentle brush of gold upon the sky,
The world awakens, beauty’s veil unfolds,
In nature’s quiet breath, we find its sigh.

The petals of a rose, so soft and pure,
Unfurl in morning’s tender, dewy kiss,
Each hue a masterpiece, each scent allure,
A fleeting glimpse of nature’s boundless bliss.

The ocean’s waves, with rhythmic, endless grace,
Caress the shore, a dance of time and tide,
In every crest and trough, a vast embrace,
A symphony where earth and sea collide.

The mountains stand, majestic, tall, and grand,
Their peaks a testament to ages past,
In silence, they command the ancient land,
A beauty forged by time, so deep and vast.

The night sky, draped in velvet, dark and wide,
With stars that twinkle like a lover’s eyes,
A canvas where the universe confides,
Its secrets in the constellations’ guise.

In every face, a story yet untold,
A beauty found in laughter, lines, and tears,
The wisdom of the young, the grace of old,
A tapestry of life through fleeting years.

In art and music, beauty finds its voice,
A melody that stirs the soul’s deep core,
In every stroke and note, we find our choice,
To see the world with wonder, to explore.

For beauty lives in moments, small and grand,
In every heartbeat, breath, and fleeting glance,
It’s in the touch of a beloved hand,
The magic found in life’s eternal dance.

So let us cherish beauty where it lies,
In nature, art, and in each other’s hearts,
For in its presence, we are truly wise,
Embracing all the world’s enchanting parts.


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