Streets of Rage (Genesis) Playthrough

Описание к видео Streets of Rage (Genesis) Playthrough

A playthrough of Sega's 1991 beat 'em up for the Sega Genesis, Streets of Rage.

Played on the normal difficulty level as Axel.

The alternate endings are shown at 51:19. In a two player game, if P1 and P2 give different answers when Mr. X asks them to join him, they are forced to fight to the death. If the winner then refuses Mr. X's second offer and wins the final fight, a character-specific "Bad End" sequence is shown.

In the months leading up to the North American launch of the Super Nintendo, Sega made it clear that they had no interest in letting Nintendo waltz in and eat their lunch. Amid a flurry of high profile releases that quickly went on to become fan-favorites, two particular standouts cemented Sega's position. The first bomb was Sonic the Hedgehog, dropped in June of 1991, and the second, Streets of Rage, came along just two months later.

Of all of the beat 'em up franchises that spawned in the wake of Capcom's 1989 hit Final Fight (and to a lesser extent, Sega's own Golden Axe), Streets of Rage - a near arcade-quality Genesis exclusive - was arguably the best and most influential.

Streets of Rage supports simultaneous 2P play and provides players the choice of three unique selectable characters. Axel, Blaze, and Adam each have access to a wide range of strikes and grapples, including back hits and co-op attacks, and when things get dicey, they can radio for backup, prompting an officer to fire a rocket into the crowd.

The gameplay is smooth and the controls are intuitive, the graphics are sharp and detailed, and though the sprites are on the small side and their animations are a little choppy, the game can flood the screen with armies of bad guys without tanking the framerate. In 1991, this was impressive stuff.

But the real star here, the one thing that absolutely everybody remembers about Streets of Rage, is its soundtrack. Yuzo Koshiro was in top form here, and the dance hall-inspired tunes were an amazing show of the system's sound capabilities. I mean, it's hard to argue with any game that kicks off its first stage with a remix of Pump Up the Jam, wouldn't you agree?

Streets of Rage is a classic that was only ever surpassed on the Genesis by its direct sequel, and console alliances be damned, it's a must-play title for any self-respecting fan of the 16-bit generation.
No cheats were used during the recording of this video.

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