A3OB: RTM import

Описание к видео A3OB: RTM import

Introduction to the RTM import features in the Arma 3 Object Builder add-on for Blender.

NOTE: The purpose of the video is to serve as a general overview of the features presented. Specific details might change between versions of the add-on, and the video may or may not be remade to reflect the changes. For the up-to-date specifics, the written documentation should be consulted.

Recorded with v2.5.0 of the add-on.

Downloads and documentation:
GitHub repository: https://github.com/MrClock8163/Arma3O...
Extensions platform release: https://extensions.blender.org/add-on...
Documentation: https://mrcmodding.gitbook.io/arma-3-...

If you need specific help or want to report a bug, you can contact me here:
GitHub: https://github.com/MrClock8163/Arma3O...
Discord: @mrclock

0:00 Introduction
0:13 Importing an animation
2:50 Import options
7:37 Viewing the imported result
8:35 Limitations


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