One month of Interceptor 006 Operations in Guatemala: Timelapse

Описание к видео One month of Interceptor 006 Operations in Guatemala: Timelapse

953 truckloads of trash extracted in Guatemala this year. Here's a timelapse of one month of Interceptor 006 operations. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay updated:

Interceptor 006 is located in the Rio Las Vacas, around 16 km north of Guatemala City. The Rio Las Vacas is a tributary of the Rio Motagua – one of Guatemala’s main waterways and a significant contributor to plastic emissions into the Gulf of Honduras and the Caribbean Sea.

Waste management challenges mean municipal and sanitary waste from Guatemala City is washed into the Rio Las Vacas during heavy rains, with this waste then flowing into the Rio Motagua and towards the coast. Prior to our deployment, it was estimated that up to 20 million kilograms of plastic waste was emitted from the Rio Motagua into the ocean, each year: much of it via the Rio Las Vacas.

We call our deployment in the Rio Las Vacas the Interceptor Barricade: a set of two strategically located floating booms that capture plastic while allowing the force of the flooding river to pass underneath. The booms are chained to foundations dug deep into the riverside and set in concrete, ensuring Interceptor 006 has the strength and stability needed to stop and retain such enormous quantities of trash repeatedly throughout the rainy season.

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