Member Communications Support Session 1: The absolute minimum

Описание к видео Member Communications Support Session 1: The absolute minimum

In this webinar series we will explore the basics of what makes for good communications, how to make ourselves look as good and fund-worthy as possible, and our mantra throughout will be; Make the most with the least amount of input.

In this first Session we will explore what the absolute minimum is.

Part 1: How to fill in your Dashboard (what is most important to include)
- Social Media Links
- Logo, or even just SFP member logo, but I would STRONGLY recommend creating a Logo, even if super basic.
- Photos (min 3) to be interspersed on dashboard page eventually
- Fill in ALL the sections, tell us about your partnership, and make sure that we have the latest contacts – please fill them in when someone moves on.

We will also give you this info to be part of a Comms Handover pack when someone new comes in.

Part 2: How to make yourself look good, legit & fund-worthy.
- Invest in a LOGO and a Tagline, it will make you look very professional and pick your “branding” and stick to it, it will make it easier for people to follow you and easier for you to do.
- Be consistent across all platforms that you’re on.
- Connect all your platforms, make sure that everything is mentioned everywhere (more in a later session).
- Invest in your anchor point and make yourself accessible – we need to be able to “Google” you.
- Take pictures, show us what your food partnership DOES.
- Link to us and each other.


Информация по комментариям в разработке