A two-part adaptation of two classic Batman stories. This virtually no-budget indie fan-film (Directed by Asher Wilkinson) gives off an aura of films that time forgot. The Batman (Played by Alexander Wilkinson), a dark avenger of the night, battles a grim jester, The Joker (Played by Conley McCool), with his loyal boy-wonder, Robin (Played by Henry Rigby), in a thrilling adventure:
After the death of his parents, Bruce Wayne dons a cape to battle injustices wherever they occur, such as the recent murders of individuals who had a hand in the Axis Chemicals Company. He must use his cunning detective skills to locate who committed these massacres.
Produced by Allstars Cinema, Batman: The Caped Crusader was written by Conley Judd McCool (Co-Written by Alexander Wilkinson) and directed by Asher Wilkinson. Executive Producer: Asher Wilkinson. Co-producers: Alex Wilkinson, Conley McCool, Henry Rigby.
*DISCLAIMER: Batman and all related marks, logos, and characters are solely owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment
This virtually no budget fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Entertainment, but does include original content from the Batman Comics.*
*Due to regulations made clear by the Motion Picture Association, parental guidance is suggested for individuals under 13 years of age. Allstars Cinema or this fan-film is NOT associated with the Motion Picture Association of America, these regulations are simply used for the safety of our younger audience members, due to Thematic Elements, Violence, Depiction of Tobacco, Mild Language. Parental Guidance is STRONGLY encouraged for those under 13 years of age.*
Cast (In Order of Appearance):
Thomas Wayne/Clarage Guard 1/ [The Voice of] Ra’s Al Ghul- Asher Wilkinson
Martha Wayne- Isabella Nielson
Bruce Wayne (Young)- Daschle Johnson
Joe Chill- Andrew Pace
Bruce Wayne/Batman- Alexander Wilkinson
Commissioner James Gordon- James Yeates
Jonathan Lambert Jr.- Jackson Jardine
Crook 1- Benjamin bell
Crook 2- Huy Tran
Police Officer- Anthony Auffermann
Alfred Pennyworth- Landon Penovich
Jason Jennings- Adler Toohey
Alfred Stryker/The Joker/Deathstroke- Conley McCool
Tim Drake/Robin- Henry Rigby
Henry Clarage- Thomas Lambert
Clarage Guard 2- Elliot Helbling
Jay Wilde- Aidan Bonner
Wilde Guard- Aidan Ashby
Rupert Thorne- Leo Muñoz-Yarbrough
Thorne Guards- Stillman Leer, Wynn Woodman, Hayden Garner
Joker Goons- Jonah Archibald, Huy Tran, Andrew Pace, Benjamin Bell
News Camera Operator- Owen Hagan
Summer Gleason- Eva Mosdell
Director- Asher Wilkinson
1st Assistant Director- Dorsey Williams
2nd Assistant Director- Bryan Dayley
Executive Producer- Asher Wilkinson
Producers- Alexander Wilkinson, Conley McCool, Henry Rigby
Writers- Conley McCool, Alexander Wilkinson
Music Composer- JT Kaufman
Casting Director- Asher Wilkinson
Head of Editing- Asher Wilkinson
Location Scouts- Asher Wilkinson, Landon Penovich
Cinematographer/Head Camera Operator- Landon Penovich
Assistant Camera Operators- Andrew Pace, Conley McCool, Asher Wilkinson, Alexander Wilkinson
Storyboard Artist- Conley McCool
Financial Advisors- Asher Wilkinson, Alexander Wilkinson
Fight/Stunt Choreography- Alexander Wilkinson and Conley McCool
Sound Designer- Alexander Rosen
Color Grading- Alexander Rosen
On-Set Photography- Steven Wilkinson, Quisha Wilkinson, Aidan Bonner, Alexander Wilkinson
Props- Asher Wilkinson
Wardrobe- Conley McCool
Special FX- Asher Wilkinson, Alexander Wilkinson
Artist- Conley McCool
Makeup and Hair- Hannah Wilkinson, Sasha Wilkinson, Isabella Nielson
SPECIAL THANKS- Lucas Alfandre, Bronwyn Andreoli, Nathan Bowser, Casey Copier, Aimee Devine, Nathan Dremann, Keaton Drummond, The Davies Family, The McCool Family, The Nielson Family, The Rigby Family, The Wilkinson Family, The Woodman Family, William Johnson, Tyler Kerr, Ariana King, Nathaniel King, Katie Kokol, Daniela Larsen, Charlie Larsen, Mason McDonald, Natalie McDonald, Elaine Nielson, Gaylan Nielson, Kincaid Nielson, This is the Place: Heritage Park, Owen Parry, Hugh Pearce, Sophia Pettey, Lucy Smith, Leah Stutz, Alexander Russon, Josh Thomas, Will Thorpe, The Hutchings Institute of Utah, Quisha Wilkinson, Steven Wilkinson.
We appreciate all of the support we've received from this movie! Keep in mind that this is our very first "legit movie" so it's not perfect. We hope to improve with every movie, every year. Stay tuned for our next movie, coming 2025!
-Asher Wilkinson
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