Mega Man X, Ep. #03: Storm Eagle

Описание к видео Mega Man X, Ep. #03: Storm Eagle

After the elimination of Chill Penguin, X advances towards Airport 1001 to investigate a disturbance caused by Sigma's flying battleship, The Death Rogumer. Manning the immense warship is Storm Eagle, a former elite Maverick Hunter and leader of the 7th Airborne Unit, as well as mutual friend of both X and Zero. To X's dismay, he must confront his former ally and put a stop to the chaos he has brought; however, regardless of the situation destiny has put them in, Storm Eagle awaits not an opponent, but a friend who will honor his pride.

Storm Eagle's stage is yet another easy one; it's fairly short, quite easy to navigate around, and with not many enemies. The only possible part of the stage that could prove troublesome are the floating lifts due to the Flamers, but it's really nothing complicated. Aside from the Head Part upgrade, this stage also houses both a Heart Tank and an Energy Sub-Tank, which can be easily claimed.

NOTE: Mega Man X was the first game I played with a newly acquired gamepad, and while playing this stage I was still getting used to it. Overall this is the only stage I sort of "screw" a bit around.

PS: The Snes9x has problems recording multiple transparencies.



Sky Claw / スカイクロー
Lift Cannon / 大砲リフト
Gunbolt / ガンボルト
Flamer / フレイマー
Metall C-15 / メットールC-15
Ball de Voux (AKA Deerball) / ボール・ド・ボー
Death Rogumer Cannons / デスログマー大砲
Hoganmer / ホーガンマー


Storm Eagle (Storm Eagleed) / イーグリード ストーム・ The Prince of the Skies / サイオンの天空 (Lit. "Scion of the Sky")


HP: 32
Ht: 8.20 ft (250 cm)
Wt: 275 lb (135 kg)
Weapon: Storm Tornado
Weakness: X-Buster / Chameleon Sting
Other Attacks: Wing Gusts; Egg Bomb; Aerial Diving


A noble and respected Reploid, Storm Eagle was once a Maverick Hunter of elite class, leader of the 7th Airborne Unit; he was modeled after an eagle, built and designed for aerial dogfights. He excelled in many areas, and was highly regarded by his men and superior officers due to his experience, knowledge, and courage. As a former ally and mutual friend of both X and Zero, Storm Eagle was highly respected and deemed a mentor.

Even upon Sigma's rise as a Maverick, Storm Eagle remained valiant and challenged his former commanding officer, only to be overwhelmed by his power and forced into submission. Now under Sigma's control, Storm Eagle was put in charge of his air destroyer with the sole purpose of wrecking havoc from above. It was only Storm Eagle's pride that caused his downfall...


• Storm Eagle's title in Japanese literally translates to "Scion of the Sky". The alternate title of "Noble Youth of the Skies" is also correct; it is usually a common mistranslation.
• Although New-type Airport / 新しいタイプ空港 is the official and most common name of this stage, it is also known as both, Airport Stage / 空港ステージ and Sky Stage / スカイステージ.
• Airport 1001 / エアポート1001 is also another common name given to this stage.


• Storm Eagle was designed by Keiji Inafune.
• Although he became Sigma's subordinate, Storm Eagle was never infected by the Sigma Virus.
• Contrary to popular belief, the battle between X and Storm Eagle does NOT take place while the Death Rogumer is crashing down, as it is in fact still operational and ascending during the skirmish. It is once Storm Eagle is defeated that the battleship abruptly begins to plummet.
• In the Mega Man X manga, Storm Eagle was originally part of the 17th Elite Unit with Zero, whom he had both a friendship and rivalry with. After the death of Teal, his girlfriend, which Zero tried to rescue, Storm Eagle was transferred to the 7th Airborne Unit, but wasn't heard of again until the Maverick revolt. After eliminating five Mavericks, X faced Storm Eagle atop the Death Rogumer, destroying his wings, not until Zero appeared to reveal that Storm Eagle was only pretending to be a Maverick. (Due note that this is a non-canon scenario.)
• Storm Eagle was revived by Dr. Doppler in the Mega Mission carddas released by Bandai. In it, he's remodeled and renamed Storm Eagleed L (Storm Eagle L), where the 'L' stands for "limited". His appearance is changed completely resembling a Red Kite and an Imperial Eagle. (Due note that this is a non-canon scenario.)
• Storm Eagle cameos in Mega Man X6 in the form of an "attack" whenever the Metal Anchor, weapon received from Metal Shark Player, is charged-up.

R20 Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works
Rockman X (Manga)
Rockman X MEGA MISSION Carddas (Card No. 23)

All Mega Man X / Rockman X material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are © Capcom Co., Ltd. Video gameplay done solely for entertainment purposes.


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