No Spend Challenge UK - No Buy Year 2021 tips

Описание к видео No Spend Challenge UK - No Buy Year 2021 tips

We are taking part in a no spend challenge this year to give our finances a complete money reset. A no spend challenge is not actually about spending nothing at all but more about spending nothing on anything non-essential. The important thing to remember if you are planning on giving it a go yourself is that you are the boss. Our no spend rules are strict but yours may go even further or be a little gentler to ease you in. I hope these no spend tips help to get your challenge off to a good start and please let me know of any others you know of!

Our No Spend Rules:
Essential bills (housing, utilities, food and car) - OK but with reductions where possible.
Anything else (clothing, takeaway, random chocolate bar ) - Nope!
Contingency for the girls - Allowed but minimal and budgeted

From our past experience, completing a no buy year gives a different perspective on spending and leaves our lives feeling a lot less cluttered. I will update you on the challenges as we go through this year and include all the frugal living tips we come across in future videos.


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