‘A Very Private School - a memoir’ by Charles Spencer | BOOK REVIEW

Описание к видео ‘A Very Private School - a memoir’ by Charles Spencer | BOOK REVIEW

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‘A Very Private School’ by Charles Spencer is a book about his days at Maidwell. It’s dark, harrowing, deeply sad particularly towards the end, but captivating and a very interesting story. Charles Spencer is also very brave to admit to some of the things that happened to him. I highly recommend this book.

I for one feel very lucky to be privileged without the hideous down side of a youth spent at a hard boarding school. I feel that the so called ‘elite’ aren’t always as well off as we tend to place them in our imaginations.

If you don’t believe in evil you either haven’t been confronted by it or you haven’t read enough or thought deeply enough about things. This is another of those books that will wake you up to some of the hideous things caused by human nature when left to run amok


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