Hero Api Sj stock oil after 4000 kms honest review part-1

Описание к видео Hero Api Sj stock oil after 4000 kms honest review part-1

Hero made a good oil for its vehicles the oil has no doubt exception low volatility performance is also very good. Engine runs very smooth.
Base stock is of best quality and hero don't make a cocktail like other and simply mix useful additives with premium base stock thats why oil comply Api sj else if hero mix more additives than it will be a api sm or sn grade. Base stock comes with two types hydrocracked and pao simply pao are ester based else are hydrocracked.
Overall its a complete protection good oil and can be use in any bike where manufacture recommends a energy conserving or 10w30 grade.

#premiumbasestock #herooil #apisj #apisjoil


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