Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - June 23, 2024

Описание к видео Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - June 23, 2024

Sermon Title: “Rooted Faith” by The Rev. Janel Rice

Mark 4:35-41 New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Join We All with One Accord
Moravian Book of Worship hymn 525
TEXT: Matthew of Kunwald (1457) or Gabriel Komarovsky (1467) Tr. Michael Weisse (1531). Moravian tr. (1904)
TUNE: Jan Roh (1544), alt.

We Bid You Welcome in the Name
Moravian Book of Worship hymn 432
TEXT: James Montgomery (1825), alt.
TUNE: Cantionale Germanicum, Dresden (1628); C. Gregor Choralbuch (1784)

Be Still, My Soul
Moravian Book of Worship hymn 757
TEXT: Katharina von Schlegel (1752). Tr. Jane Borthwick (1855)
TUNE: Jean Sibelius (1899). Arr. from The Hymnal (1933).
Arrangement ©1933, Renewal 1961 by Presbyterian Board of Christian Education. From The Hymn Book.
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-718538.
All rights reserved.

Ye Who Called, Ye Who Called
Moravian Book of Worship Hymn 636
TEXT: Ludolph Ernst Schlicht (1741-1769), alt.; John Gambold (1711-1771), alt.
TUNE: Melody, Johann Georg Hille (1739); Johann Daniel Grimm Choralbuch (1755); C. Gregor Choralbuch (1784), alt.


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