"아프리칸 보이스 인 코리아" 맴버들에게 듣는 한국 속 아프리카

Welcome to Thursday's edition of Issues and Insiders.
I'm Min Sunhee.
Today we have two panelists from Africa currently residing here in Korea for their thoughts on bilateral ties and more.
I have Dela GBADAGO a chemical engineer at Inha University here in the studio.
Dela it's a pleasure.
I also have Hussaina Abdullahi an IT consultant with us.
Hussaina it's lovely to have you here.

1) Dela, let's start with some details about the initiative "African Voices in Korea".

2) Hussaina, what have been some of your contributions to this platform , and what have been some of your gains from it?

3) Dela, do share with some of the regular activities held by "African Voices in Korea" to promote bilateral interests and interactions.

4) Hussaina, what has been the response to the efforts by "African Voices in Korea" from both the African and Korean communities here?

5-1) Dela, we are looking ahead to the Korea-Africa Summit scheduled for two days from June 4th.
That being said, do tell us a bit about Ghana's ties with South Korea.

5-2) Dela, if I were to ask you about Ghana's many merits, what one aspect would you care to highlight for Koreans?

6-1) And Hussaina, let's now talk about Nigeria's ties with South Korea.
What can you tell us about these bilateral relations?

6-2) Hussaina, what appealing aspects of Nigeria would you care to share with Korea?

7) Dela, does "African Voices in Korea" have a special agenda to mark the upcoming Korea-Africa Summit?

8) Hussaina, on a personal level, what brought you to Korea?

9) Dela, we often talk about the growing interest in Korean culture in the international arena in recent years owing to its entertainment content.
Would you say this is also true in Ghana?
What are the thoughts of people there about Korea?

10) Hussaina, what about Nigeria?
Is there a growing awareness about Korea among people there?

11) Dela, what do you propose to ensure more active exchanges between Korea and Africa in the future?

12) And ending on a light note, Hussaina, what would you say is the best part of living in Korea as a member of the African community here?

All right.

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2024-05-30, 14:30 (KST)


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