KelTec CP33: Must Have .22 Blaster

Описание к видео KelTec CP33: Must Have .22 Blaster

It's super lightweight and has great firepower. But how does that quad stack magazine work with those rimmed rounds? We took it on several outings to find out...all the way up to 10,500 ft elevation.
There's really nothing like the CP33 anywhere in the gun world. Once again KelTec breaks new ground with their designs and does what all the other gun companies should be doing but don't: innovating. At just 1.5 lbs and possessing an impressive trigger we were taken with the CP33. It's the Intratec TEC22 that never worked (I owned one!).
We'll talk about the usual stuff and you'll have a good idea at the end if this is a gun you might want in your inventory. The POU discussion gets interesting!

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Targets Used:
Transparent bag to hold them, (cutout a cardboard divider to org):
M1 Abrams Corgi Diecast ~2006, discontinued. This is similar:
Pig Full Dexterity Tactical (FDT) Gloves:
Pig FDT Delta Utility (higher dexterity, less stitching):
ESS Crossbow Glasses Suppressor(Low profile kid fits well, straps under muffs:
Pig Full Dexterity Tactical (FDT) Gloves:
Pig FDT Delta Utility (higher dexterity, less stitching):
Gfire Vest, Black:
Spanker Pouches (so far, great for $):
Dump Pouch:


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