Hyperloop One! China1000km/h Fastest Train in the World!

Описание к видео Hyperloop One! China1000km/h Fastest Train in the World!

#planetsustainable #construction #china

China's hyperloop train project is making significant strides to revolutionize transportation. With speeds reaching 387 mph in testing, it's set to connect major cities like Shanghai and Hangzhou, cutting travel time to just 9 minutes. The project aims for operational status by 2035. The system promises safety with fully enclosed tracks and magnetic levitation technology, ensuring stability and efficiency. China's advancements in hyperloop technology signify a new era of high-speed, sustainable transportation

#megaprojects #elonmusk #future

"Hyperloop One! China1000km/h Fastest Train in the World! Elon Musk SHOCKED!"


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