Robot Concept and Code Tips | Ri3D DAY 1

Описание к видео Robot Concept and Code Tips | Ri3D DAY 1

Robot Concept is primarily: Tank drive. Able to remove algae and score in processor, able to collect coral from coral station and score on L1 L2 and L3. We also plan to do shallow climb.

Code tips from Neel are:
*Update your codebase to WPILib 2025.* The breaking changes for WPILib itself aren't too bad (mainly just the removal already-deprecated APIs) but you may need to do more work for vendor libraries. Helpful Links:
[WPILib 2025 Changelog](
[REVLib 2025 Migration Guide](
[Phoenix 6 2025 Changelog](
*If you want to code while the robot is being built, communication is key!* Make sure to clarify the general subsystems of the robot, as well as the different hardware being used in each subsystem, since you can't write much code without that info. Turn any unknown measurements into constants you can simply change later.
*Control Scheme.* We've decided to map different buttons to different software-defined positions of each of the robot's subsystems to alleviate mental burden from the driver. WPILib's Command-Based library helps out a ton with coordinating and scheduling the actions of the different subsystems. I'd recommend at least learning it if you haven't.

Haven't had the chance to check other Ri3d teams yet but I hope those designs are coming along well too!

0:00 - 0:48 Intro
0:48 - 6:27 Robot Concept
6:27 - 13:50 Code approach and tips for 2025
13:50 - 14:48 Plan for tomorrow


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