Toadstool Solo Speedrun Kill on Day 16 in

Описание к видео Toadstool Solo Speedrun Kill on Day 16 in

I killed original Toadstool in 13 days. Now it's time to solo speedrun its descendant without minions or weather pains: the revamped, smarter version of Toadstool with armor and boomshrooms for days.

Don't Starve Together's Original Toadstool had 156,500 health and a 5 minute time limit before it'd burrow away; however, because it was so dumb, you could trick it pretty easily and deal damage for an extended period of time without it doing anything. The revamped version only has 52,500 health and no hard time limit, but it does have a few tricks up its shroomy sleeves.

The new Toadstool fight has 3 stages that you'll progress through as you dig more and more into its reservoir of health. The amount and frequency of boomshrooms increase as the stages increase, and in the 3rd stage Toadstool will add an extremely damaging pound attack to its repertoire.

Toadstool also has 4 possible levels which are based on the number of sporecaps in the arena. The levels control Toadstool's walking speed, armor, damage output, attack period, hit recovery and boomshroom variance + chaining. The most important of these is the change in armor. At level 4, Toadstool gains an 80% resistance to damage, which is pretty brutal and should be avoided. The thresholds for sporecaps are greater than 0, 4, and 7.

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