Hearthstone: Aluneth card sounds in 14 languages -Legendary -Kobolds & Catacombs

Описание к видео Hearthstone: Aluneth card sounds in 14 languages -Legendary -Kobolds & Catacombs

All of the legendary "Aluneth" card dialogue/sounds from Hearthstone, in 14 different languages.

You grasp the infinite, mage (Play)
Unleash your potential (Play)
Come, child. Let us wreak havoc (Play)
More. I must have more! (Ability)
You play with fire, child (Ability)
The power is here. You need only to seize it (Ability)
The power courses through me (Ability)
Revel in the power! (Ability)
We will shape this world to our will (Ability)
I am infinite (Ability)
This is not the end (Death)
We will meet again (Death)

All Kobolds & Catacombs cards playlist: https://goo.gl/WqADT4
All Knights of the Frozen Throne cards playlist: https://goo.gl/YCN9Hv
All Journey to Un'Goro cards playlist: https://goo.gl/UXvh5M
All Mean Streets of Gadgetzan cards playlist: https://goo.gl/swzR6K
All One Night in Karazhan cards playlist: https://goo.gl/6RiAdQ
All Whispers of the Old Gods cards playlist: https://goo.gl/OZNgAv
All Legendary cards playlist: https://goo.gl/HRs4ny
All Hearthstone cards playlist (Naxx, GvG, TGT, etc.): https://goo.gl/FeAmu5

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The different languages are: English, German, Spanish, Latin American Spanish (Mexican Spanish), French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Thai, Chinese and Taiwanese (Standard Mandarin).

Aluneth /enUS /deDE /esES /esMX /frFR /itIT /plPL /ptBR
アルネス /jaJP
알루네스 /koKR
Алунет /ruRU
อะลูเนธ /thTH
艾露尼斯 /zhCN
亞魯涅斯 /zhTW

Disclaimer #1: The text at the bottom of the video is NOT a translation, it is simply stating what the English language said for reference. If you know any of the 14 languages and you feel that you can contribute a good translation of what was said, then please feel free to put the translation in the comments.

Disclaimer #2: There is no such language as "Chinese" or "Taiwanese", but Blizzard indicates the language as "zhCN" which is "Mandarin spoken in China", and "zhTW" which is "Mandarin spoken in Taiwan", so please take note of that.


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