Glee-What If Rachel was pregnant?

Описание к видео Glee-What If Rachel was pregnant?

This is a movie of Finchel and Rachel`s pregnancy and how she is dealing it when Finn brokes up with her before she even got a change to tell him about her pregnancy.This is a movie of how she is dealing the big news and how she is struggling.

Hope you like it:)

Rachel and Finn are dating and she find out that she is pregnant by his baby.She is about to tell Finn when she saw him kissing Quinn.She slaps him and is furious.Finn tolds her that he think he loves Quinn and crying Rachel dumps him.

Rachel tolds her friend Santana about her pregnancy who convince her that its gonna be okay and comfort crying Rachel.Santana is furious to Finn and slaps him.Finn otherwise thinks Rachel make Santana slaps him and despite of denial of Rachel,he doesnt believe her.She tolds Kurt about her pregnancy and tell him that she has no idea what she is going to do and Kurt comfort her and tolds that she is strong and she will make it.Rachel and Kurt is at Rachel`s sonagram and mesmerized Rachel decite to keep the baby and next day Quinn yells at her when she over hears her talking to Kurt about her pregnancy.She tolds her that she is never gonna get it right and she needs to have abortion cause she doesnt belong here and she is only helping her and heartbroken Rachel is devastated.

Santana confront Quinn and tells her that is Finn really turn on by teen mom who barely visit her kid which cause Quinn to slaps her and Santana slaps her back.

Rachel tolds Kurt and Santana that she feels ready and while talking to Rachel,Kurt realize Finn needs to know and tells him. (Finn already has broke up with Quinn)Finn is shocked and realize that he loves Rachel,more than anything and talks to Rachel and said he understund if she hates her cause he is the worst person living.Rachel comfort Finn and tells him,she doesnt want to raise their kid alone and she loves Finn.They kiss and reunite.Later Finn asks Rachel to marry him and she agreed.They get married and months later Rachel gives birth to Christopher.Proud parents are looking at their baby happily.

I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended!!!


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