【Worship Music 教会诗歌合辑】Piano Cover 钢琴纯享版

Описание к видео 【Worship Music 教会诗歌合辑】Piano Cover 钢琴纯享版

00:00 深触我心 How Precious You are to Me
03:45 全然为祢 All for You, Lord
07:00 有人在为你祷告 Someone is Praying for You
09:44 好好的过 Live Well
14:59 他岂能忘 How Can He Forget
18:58 主祷文 The Lord’s Prayer
22:21 为主而歌 Song for the Lord
25:27 活出爱 Live Out Love
28:52 献上感恩 Give Thanks
32:49 安静 Still
35:27 展开清晨的翅膀 Wings of the Dawn
38:10 一件礼物 A Gift
41:08 云上太阳 The Sun Above the Clouds
43:37 我要向高山举目 Lift My Eyes to the Hills
45:58 领我到你宝血里 Lead Me Into Your Blood
50:22 因祢圣名我们敬拜 Jesus At Your Name

Played by: Lucciola Piano
Image by: Donald Tran (from Unsplash)

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