Title: Broadside Attack
Album: Isla de la Muerte
Release Date: 30 June 2023

Label: Rockshots Records


Comrades, comrades, gather on the bow deck!
Big news from the crow's nest, we're approaching more an' more
Picking up the tailwind we should gain the upper hand
We just have to get a little closer

Never in me life, in me bucaneer career
Have I met a cap'n so much stubborn
Mister, wait and see if that lugging tub of thee
Is tough enough to withstand to a broadside attack

Broaside attack
Gunners at the ready!
Broaside attack
Fire in the hole!

A dozen hours at least
On those bastards' heels
A daring prey, I have to admit
But as hard as She tries, She will not go far

We're locked an' loaded, with barrels of gunpowder
Moving at ramming speed
A single volley of thirtysix-pounders
Will be enough to reduce them to dust

Gunners, gunners, cannons manned and ready!
Double round and partridges and a volley of small shot
Cannonades of lead will soar high above the sea
On my mark let the massacre begin

Remove tampions! Load an' ram!
Quartermaster, give order to the gunmen
All crews, prepare to commence the attack!

Broaside attack
Gunners at the ready!
Broaside attack
Iron in the sky

Under a sky ablazing with flames
Laden of muskets and pistols
We draw the curved blade
Silver an' glory are lying ahead
Into the fire an' blood
Let's dye those blue coats red!

The smell of sulfur filled the air

No remorse for the brave
No purchase, no pay

War thunders blast the air
Sea salt sears on our wounds
By choking smoke and glowing sparks
We stand our ground to the last

Comrades, comrades, gather on the bow deck!
Enemy surrended an' the sun is going down
All men off the deck, hull an' rigging devastated
Time to share the spoils of this victorious attack

Broadside attack


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