Fez - Clock Tower Puzzle (Anti Cubes)

Описание к видео Fez - Clock Tower Puzzle (Anti Cubes)

Four secret anti-cubes are hidden on the Clock Tower map. Each one is connected to each hand of the clock. On the four different faces, an anti-cube will appear whenever the coloured hand reaches the top (12 position). The frequency of this is dependent on the colour of the hand:

Red - Every minute
Blue - Every hour
Green - Every day
Grey - Every 2 days

For every hand except the red one, it is best to manually adjust the system time rather than wait around ;)

FEZ is a game developed by POLYTRON and is available as part of the August 2014 Instant Game Collection for PS+ members :) This video was taken on the PS4 but Fez is available on PS Vita and PS3 as well.


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