Transforming Numeracy in Kenya: A Deep Dive into the Happy Classrooms Project

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When we think about education, we often focus on literacy—how well, how fast, and how accurately children can read and recall information. But numeracy, the ability to order, sort, count, estimate, compute, and measure, is just as crucial to a child's development and success in life.

In many low- and middle-income countries, the statistics around numeracy and literacy are alarming. According to Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) Africa, seven out of every ten children cannot read and understand a simple text by the age of ten. Additionally, a 2021 learning assessment by Uwezo reveals that only one in five third-grade students in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda have second-grade literacy and numeracy skills. In southern and eastern Africa, less than one-third of sixth-grade students can solve a basic subtraction problem.

But there is hope. In Kenya, the 2023 Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Assessment Report from Usawa shows that 60 out of 100 children assessed could solve a grade 3-appropriate numeracy problem, with the number rising to 64 in rural areas. However, 40 out of 100 still struggle.

In this video, we explore one innovative approach to improving numeracy in Kenya—the Happy Classrooms Project. We're on-site at a school in Kakamega, where Happy Classrooms is making a difference. This initiative believes that investing in brighter, more visually stimulating classrooms, providing model lessons, and training teachers can significantly enhance numeracy skills.

Happy Classrooms provides tools like whiteboards, maps, charts, and other visual resources to support learning. Their approach is fun, engaging, and child-centered, with vibrant colors and learning aids designed to make foundational numeracy skills—like numbers, operations, geometry, and patterns—more accessible and enjoyable.

The program also supports teachers by offering lesson guides, in-school training, and a community of practice where they can share ideas and best practices. Additionally, the Happy Classrooms app provides educational games, puzzles, and student assessments to help teachers track progress.

Join us as we take a closer look at the Happy Classrooms Project and how it's helping Kenyan students succeed in math through innovative, engaging, and visually enriched learning environments.


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