Social Dance West Coast Swing Dance| Music How to Train Your Ears for Musicality

Описание к видео Social Dance West Coast Swing Dance| Music How to Train Your Ears for Musicality

West Coast Swing is one of the most fun social dance opportunities. Being a partner dance that allows you to be creative to music as you learn. This will teach you how to train your ears to hear what is in the music.

Here is the link to Beginners guide to practicing with or without a partner. Teaching how to dance not what to dance.

In this video, you will learn the trick to hearing all the levels of the music, even as a beginner.

Our primary activity is to pick a song you like and play it.

Have a piece of paper and pen ready. You will see how picking out one instrument at a time will help you hear different parts of the song.

Next, we talk about what we dance to when it is blues and what we dance differently to when we hear contemporary music.

You will also want to start dancing by yourself to what you hear in the music and not think West Coast Swing.

Stretch the movement when the music stretches.

The bug trick...ah the bug trick. This dance trick has gotten more people looking like they are dancing to the music than anything I have seen.

Have fun!


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If you social dance, partner dance, want swing dance moves, more information about west coast swing dance, ballroom dance, swing dance, or country swing dance or even tips when taking couples dance classes that are not swing dance...

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