Intune - Remotely upload Autopilot Hardware ID in Out of Box Experience

Описание к видео Intune - Remotely upload Autopilot Hardware ID in Out of Box Experience

In this video, we do a scenario from a fictive company called JBN, which has IT support in Sydney, Australia, and an employee in Torronto, Canada with a laptop where the Hardware ID/Hash hasn't been imported to Intune.

We are using only build-in tools in Windows 10, such as Quick Assist.

1. During OOBE after network setup, Remote Employee user press SHIFT + F10
2. type in: QuickAssist.exe [ENTER]
3. Remote Support user start also Quick Assist with CTRL + WIN + Q
4. Remote Support user start a session and get a 6 digit code that is given to Remote Employee
5. Remote Support request Full Access
6. Remote Employee accepts
7. Remote Employee start PowerShell with execution policy unrestricted, download Powershell script to upload HardwareID with -Online switch
8. Once hardware ID/Hash has been uploaded and profile status is set to assigned Remote Employee can Autopilot and setup the dvice.


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