The King of Fighters '96 - Boss Team (Arcade / 1996) 4K 60FPS

Описание к видео The King of Fighters '96 - Boss Team (Arcade / 1996) 4K 60FPS

++This video is edited and not playable with the same video quality++

The King of Fighters '96 - Boss Team [Playthrough/LongPlay]

Developer/Publisher: SNK
Platform: Arcade
Release Date: 1996

The King of Fighters '96 (KOF '96) is a fighting game released by SNK for the Neo Geo arcade and home consoles in 1996. It is the third game in The King of Fighters series, following The King of Fighters '95. Like its predecessor, the game was ported to the Neo-Geo CD, as well as the PlayStation and Sega Saturn. Unlike the previous game, the PlayStation and Saturn versions were released only in Japan, with a language setting allowing the player to set the game to English.

00:00 Intro & Title
00:29 Ikari Warriors Team
02:24 Hero Team
04:22 Rivals Team
06:27 Psycho Soldier Team
08:26 Art of Fighting Team
10:23 Korea Team
12:30 Women Fighters Team
14:45 Fatal Fury Team
17:13 Boss Team
19:30 Cutscene
20:13 Chizuru Kagura
21:43 Cutscene
23:45 Goenitz
26:04 Ending


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