Hugo: Hiihto, Hugo: Skiing --- 2023 Java Fan Game

Описание к видео Hugo: Hiihto, Hugo: Skiing --- 2023 Java Fan Game

Happy 30th Anniversary in Finland, Hugo!

"ITE Media" / "5th Planet Games" owns the original Hugo series. Thank the original creators for the franchise! The musics are from a DJ Hugo charity CD (1993) and the first two Hugo PlayStation games. Some graphics and videos are copied from the original games. I own nothing of the original resources. I own the Java files I programmed.

Please contact the lawyers and actually do something if this game is a huge problem to you.

The game is available with source codes on GitHub:

I feel a bit sorry for huge files and graphical bugs that might occur. The Java codes are "open source" so you can change the game speed yourself. I recommend NetBeans for editing Java codes.

No matter what YouTube informs you, this game is not Hugo Classic / Hugo: Black Diamond Fever.


Ohjeet suomeksi:
1. Asenna uusin JDK. Java on saatavilla Oraclen verkkosivuilta.
2. GitHubissa valitse projekti "Hugo_Ski_Game_Finnish_24-2-2023".
3. Vihreä Code-nappi - download ZIP.
4. Pura Zip-paketin tiedostot haluamaasi kansioon.
5. Peli käynnistyy kaksoisklikkaamalla tiedostoa "HugoHiihto.jar". Tiedosto "run.bat" ajaa saman asian komennollaan "java -jar HugoHiihto piste jar". Käyttöjärjestelmä voi varoittaa, ettei tuntemattomia exe/bat-tiedostoja kuulu käynnistää.

Näin ohitat huonon koodauksen aiheuttaman vian, yhden niistä:
Jos ruutu muuttuu valkoiseksi videoleikkeen aikana, kannattaa liikuttaa hiirtä eli kursoria ruudun päällä.

Windowsissa voi zoomata peliruutua painamalla pohjaan "Windows", sitten + tai -.


Instructions in English:
1. Install the newest JDK. Java is available on the Oracle website.
2. On GitHub, choose the project "Hugo_Ski_Game_Finnish_24-2-2023".
3. Choose green Code - download ZIP.
4. Extract the Zip to a folder you want.
5. Double-click "HugoHiihto.jar" and the game should start up. The file "run.bat" has the command "java -jar HugoHiihto dot jar". The Operating System might warn you of executing unknown exe and bat files.

If the screen turns white during a video cut scene, please move the mouse cursor on the game window.

On Windows, you can zoom the game screen by first holding "Windows", then + or -.


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