
Описание к видео 2021下半年马股展望

经过去年后疫情的大反弹,股市在资金泛滥的情况下估值被推高,而经济黑犀牛 -- 债务危机再次重现。After the post-pandemic rebound last year, the stock market valuation was pushed to fairly high level. However, the economic grey rhino – debt crisis is set for resurgence.

今年上半年马股明显不如去年的大好行情,投资难度也相对提高。如今经济复苏仍处在整顿期,投资者该如何布局下半年?我们邀请了盈资环球首席市场分析师 Ives 一起在这《2021下半年马股展望》线上讲座会来探讨。The first half of 2021 is relatively challenging if compared to the first half of 2020. How should investors position themselves in this economic recovery period? Let’s delve deeper into this in our webinar “Bursa Market Outlook in 2H 2021”.

在这线上讲座会,我们将探讨 In this webinar, you will learn:
✅ 过度宽松,经济灰犀牛重现 Explore how excessive monetary easing may lead to resurgence of economic grey rhino
✅ 国内外经济所面对的机会与挑战 Explore economic opportunities and challenges
✅ 马股下半年展望 Learn Bursa market outlook in 2H 2021

✅ 关注领域与投资策略拟定 Explore potential sectors and its investment strategy

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