Bus Evacuation Training Video

Описание к видео Bus Evacuation Training Video

Leon County Schools Transportation Department demonstrates the evacuation procedure for three types of school buses.

Scene 1 - "Pat sitting in driver's seat on the bus. Bus door opens. Pat walks off the bus and meets with Frederick."
Pat: Leon County Schools Transportation Department has created this video as a learning tool in instructing our "precious cargo" in school bus safety and how to evacuate a school bus in the event of an emergency and to avoid panic by familiarizing school personnel and students in procedures for quickly and safely leaving the bus.
Frederick: Florida Statutes 6A-3.0171 gives each school district the responsibility of conducting at least two school bus emergency evacuation drills on each bus serving a school. The first evacuation is to be conducted within the first six weeks of the beginning school year. The second evacuation drill should be conducted within the first six weeks of the second school semester.
Pat: All school bus evacuation drills should be held on school grounds, under the supervisor of the Principal and/or Principal Designee and with the driver's cooperation.
Frederick: Schools are to document each school bus evacuation drill on the forms that are provided by the Leon County Schools Transportation Department. The school should maintain a copy for their record and submit a copy to Transportation.
Narrator - Kametris: This video will shows you several key factors to remember when conducting your evacuation. We will show the evacuation procedure using a regular school bus, a transit bus and a special needs bus. It is very important that the evacuation is conducted in an orderly manner. This will avoid panicking and needless possible injuries. The objective of an emergency evacuation drill is to acquaint riders with the use of the rear exit door method, the side door method and the front door method. Other methods of evacuations include the push out windows and the roof hatches. Each evacuation will be timed and recorded. An interval of one and one-half to two seconds per passenger is standard. It is very important that passengers exit out of the bus quickly, leaving all belongings on the bus.
Scene 2 - Randall: (In a regular bus) He will emphasize and point to the emergency exits.
Scene 3 - Standing at the emergency exit side door of a Transit
Marty: During the evacuation drill the bus operator remains on the bus to direct the orderly evacuation. Instruct students to quickly walk 100 feet away from the bus and away from traffic. (Caution students as they are exiting to avoid striking the door header.)
Willie Mae: After all passengers have evacuated the bus, the driver shall walk down the aisle looking also under seats to insure that all passengers are off the bus. After the bus is evacuated and the students are moved to a safe location, the Principal or Principal designee will inform the students when they may re-enter the bus and collect their belongings and books.
Scene 4 - Walking in Front of all three types of buses
Pat: Now that you know the purpose and importance of school bus evacuation drill. A simulation drill will be conducted using the three types.
Frederick: In this next scene we will conduct three evacuation drills. The first drill will be on a Transit bus. The second drill will be on a regular conventional bus and the third drill we will be a special needs bus.
Narrator - Andrew: "Transit bus" We will exit the transit using the side emergency door. (In a transit bus there is not a rear exit door; however there is a rear exit window.
Scene 5 - Transit Bus (Conduct Evacuation on bus)
Scene 6 - Regular Bus (Conduct Evacuation)
Scene 7- ESE Bus (Conduct Evacuation)
Narrator - Pat Brooks: The bus should be immediately evacuated if the following occurs.
1.) Fire or danger of fire
2.) Unsafe Position
The bus operator must determine immediately whether passengers should remain in the bus or evacuate. In most cases, students are safer when contained in the bus.
Johnnie: When is evacuation needed?
1.) If the bus is in the path of a train or on any railroad tracks.
2.) If the bus is near a body of water, river, or canal where the bus might move and go into the water.
3.) If the bus is stopped on a hill or curve where visibility is less than 200 feet.
4.) If the bus is stopped in an area where heavy traffic may jeopardize the safety of the student, and there is an area away from traffic for students to wait for repairs or replacement of bus.
Scene 8 - Frederick: The bus operator is responsible for the safety of the riders. However, in an emergency the bus operator may be incapacitated. Several riders should be instructed as to what procedures to follow.


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