Tips For Waking Up And Bicycle Commuting In The Morning Bike Blogger

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Waking up early in the morning to bicycle commute to work can be discouraging sometimes.

Here are some tips on how to wake up in the morning and stay motivated when you feel too tired and sleepy:

* Drink and/or eat something easy. A banana may be all you need to boost your energy in the morning.

* Take a shower and do some stretches to warm up and wake up your body.

* Go to sleep early. Sometimes managing time may be not be easy so if you find yourself always getting to bed late you might consider "over estimating" how long it will take you to get there.

* Plan your route ahead of time so you know where to go and what to expect during the hours you will commute. Consider also mixing up your route to keep things interesting.

* Lay out your clothes and pack your equipment the night before so you can just grab them and go out the door without stressing yourself out. Check the weather the night before too.

* Inspect your bike the night before to make sure the tires are pumped up to the proper air pressure, the brakes are working, and the chain is in good shape. This is called the ABC check; air-brakes-chain (or drivetrain).

* Ride a bike you like and trust

* Ride with a coworker or friend if you are so lucky to have one nearby that rides and/or encourage them to join part of your commute.

* Track your progress and give yourself a little reward like a small bike upgrade at every milestone you pass like riding for 30 days in a row

Other tips for those new to bicycle commuting:

* Figure out how you will carry your things like in a backpack or pannier

* Identify where you will lock your bike (if you will not be bringing it into work) and where you can change clothes or clean up once you get to work.

* Keep some items at work in case of emergencies like extra clothes, tools, personal care items etc. if you can, in a desk or in a locker.

* Leave for work earlier than you expect it will take to get there so you do not worry about getting in late, fixing a flat tire, and/or having to change clothes etc.

The big battle is getting on the bike, but once you do you'll wake up for sure and feel refreshed physically as well as mentally when you arrive to work, and sleep better at night for it.

Here is a recent article covering the topic of morning cycling

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