Mahamuni Pagoda, Mandalay

Описание к видео Mahamuni Pagoda, Mandalay

The video starts with displaying the magnificient, shiny and skillfully sculpted statue of the Great Golden Mahamuni Buddha. It describes where Mahamuni Buddha's image is housed and how it is seated on a throne and the posture of the image, with what metal it is made and its colossal size and weight. It goes on to tell how Mahamuni Buddha is drapped, crowned, bejewelled with diamonds, rubies, sapphires. It continues with the morning rituals of teeth brushing, face washing for the Mahamuni Buddha image and cleaning by the head monk with the towels offered by the devotees as a daily routine. The video narrates about the speciality of the Mahamuni Buddha's image in Amarapura as the same is one of the five images made with only true likeness of the Mahamuni Buddha. The image was sculpted when Gautama Buddha visited the capital city of Arakan from where the image was brought to Amarapura by King Bodawpaya in 1784. The Mahamuni Pagoda is one of the most important Buddist pilgrimage sites in Burma.

#myanmar ,
#travel ,
#myanmartourism ,
#burma ,
#tourist ,
#mandalay ,
#endlessjourney ,
#mahamuni ,


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