The Most Things You Didn't Know About The Pagans Motorcycle Club

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The Most Things You Didn't Know About The Pagans Motorcycle Club

The Pagans are ruled by a mother club, or ruling council, with a proper governing structure and a president. The first president was John “Satan” Marron, the erstwhile president of the Sons of Satan MC. In the early ‘60s, as a “show of class”,[h] the Marron was paid the same salary as that of the US President[i], around 100,000 dollars[j] a year.


Initially, the Pagans preferred “Triumph Over Harley-Davidsons”!

As you know, when we think of MCs, the first thing that comes to our mind is their love for Harley-Davidson.[k]

But here, the bike changed.

When they first started, they dressed in blue denim jackets with embroidery rather than biker jackets with patches. Although outlaw motorcycle clubs prefer riding Harley-Davidsons, the Pagan's preference for motorcycles was always leaning more towards Triumphs. As they expanded, the Harleys later replaced the Triumphs[l]. However, the blue denim jackets remained, with the embroidery replaced with traditional patches.

//1 percenter

They are the ones who invented the “one-percenter patch” that other MCs adopted.

There is still much we don't know about one-percenter motorcycle clubs, but the term itself comes from AMA that claimed that ninety-nine percent of all motorcycle clubs were peaceful but there were one-percent who indulged in hooliganism[m]. In the ‘60s, someone in the Pagan’s MC honed in on the term and made a one-percenter patch, the diamond shaped one with one-percenter written in it. Soon, it became the emblem of every outlaw MC out there.[n]


Along with Caucasians, the Pagans MC are Latinos as well.

Of course there are no other MCs without whitesman policy.[o]

Although all motorcycle clubs have rules they need to follow, while some one-percenters are very race and color-conscious, the Pagans have not just Caucasians as members but also Latinos. Some members disapprove of this mixed race policy, but no brother can question the rules set by the founding fathers of the Pagan's MC.[p]
//100 chapters

The Pagans MC is “Mushrooming”!

With 1300+ members and more than 100 chapters, the Pagan's MC is growing quickly and extends to Puerto Rico. Today, there are more than 900 members in Pagan’s MC, with 300 of them being in Jersey alone. The law enforcement officials are worried and call it a threat to public safety. [q]When the club presidents were summoned into a court appearance, they pleaded the fifth amendment and refused to answer to violence claims, except saying that it was not club policy to not follow the law.

How badass is that?

//Undercover cop

Known as "Big Chuck", Wayne Bradshaw was a bigtime Pagan's member with plenty of history with the club. However, when he decided to move on and gave up his patch, he became an undercover cop. [r]It seems not every Pagan's member is bound to the criminal and outlaw lifestyle, as Bradshaw later became a decorated 20 year undercover police veteran.


Their weekly meetings are called “Church”!

Much like how the devout do not miss the weekly mass unless they want to damn their souls, the weekly chapter meetings of the Pagan’s MC is compulsory for all members[s], and are even called “Church.” Yet again an example of how the Pagan’s MC answers only to itself and its rules, and for the rest of the world, they wear the “NUNYA” patch, as in Nun‘Ya Fuckin Business’!

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