
Описание к видео #026

Since 1922, the Cookware Manufacturers Association has promoted excellence in manufacturing, service, consumer protection, health and safety of industry workers, and appropriate stewardship of environmental resources.

For many years, the CMA published voluntary cookware and bakeware engineering standards. A 107-page manual that covers all aspects of material testing, minimum gauges, standard sizes, capacities, and so much more.

Join Fran Groesbeck as she has a conversation with Henry Lodge of Lodge Cast Iron, as they explore the importance of the standards to the cookware and bakeware industry. You’ll discover how association members, who are known competitors, come together for the betterment of the entire industry.

Listen as you’ll learn Henry’s 40+ year experienced perspective about the CMA Engineering Standards, how they have evolved over the years, and the impact they have in the industry.

Additional Resources:

CMA membership includes a copy of the Engineering Standards for Cookware & Bakeware.

Non-members may purchase a copy by following this link: https://cookware.org/engineering-stan...

To learn more about CMA membership, visit: https://cookware.org/join/


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