UPSC Result 2023 : Vaibhav (AIR 58) | Mentor Peeyush sir

Описание к видео UPSC Result 2023 : Vaibhav (AIR 58) | Mentor Peeyush sir

Heartiest Congratulations Vaibhav (AIR 58)🎉 on this tremendous accomplishment!
Vaibhav has been student of Peeyush sir.

This one-on-one mentorship of Vaibhav with Peeyush Sir video is a testament that every Aspirant is vulnerable during his/her preparation, even the ones who have been selected previously. However, the real takeaway from Vaibhav's story is; to be humble enough to take feedback from mentors, identify your strengths, and be willing to work relentlessly on your areas of improvement

You, too, can be the next Topper.


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