Astrology | Squares to the Lunar Nodes Workshop | Raising Vibrations

Описание к видео Astrology | Squares to the Lunar Nodes Workshop | Raising Vibrations

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*Limited Spaces Available*

Simon is an Evolutionary Astrologer; using the Evolutionary Astrology method of chart understanding, he explores the deep aspects and dynamics of the soul and how it experiences its lives across time. He looks at all aspect of the chart and through the symbol Pluto asks the question why I am here and what are my lessons?

Playlists -

   • Pluto Introduction | Raising Vibratio...  
   • Uranus in the chart series | Introduc...  
   • Neptune Introduction | Astrology | Se...  

Business Email - raisingvibrations dot sv at gmail dot com

Astrology | | Raising Vibrations


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