RLUK Digital Shift Forum | How can libraries make the most of open-source AI and machine learning?

Описание к видео RLUK Digital Shift Forum | How can libraries make the most of open-source AI and machine learning?

RLUK’s Digital Shift Forum brings together colleagues from across the information, research, cultural and heritage communities, and third and commercial sectors, to discuss the future of the digital shift in collections, services, and audiences.


New Digital Frontiers IV – How can libraries make the most of open-source AI and machine learning?

New Digital Frontiers will explore the role AI and Machine learning can play in our libraries, the platforms we use, the challenges we face and the opportunities we have.

There is currently a lot of interest in libraries regarding the use of AI. Much of this enthusiasm comes from the increasing capabilities of generative AI systems. Vendors are increasingly offering 'AI-enabled' products and services, and people across all sectors and industries are eager to 'do something with AI.' In this discussion, Daniel van Strien, a Machine Learning Librarian at Hugging Face, explores practical ways in which libraries can leverage AI and machine learning, and why this often doesn’t necessitate the use of generative AI. Daniel also advocates for more libraries to consider adopting and contributing to open-source AI.


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