Elite Dangerous | Celebrating 10 Years

Описание к видео Elite Dangerous | Celebrating 10 Years

Today is a special day, marking the 10-year anniversary of Elite Dangerous. From taking flight for the first time to putting your feet on the ground of an alien world – you have blazed your own trail in a galaxy like no other, and there’s even more to come.

To celebrate the anniversary, a few familiar faces have come together to share their experiences and highlights over the past decade.

For more Elite Dangerous news, follow us on these sites:

Website: http://elitedangerous.com/
Facebook - http://fb.me/EliteDangerousOfficial
Twitter -   / elitedangerous  
Instagram -   / elitedangerous  
Forums - https://forums.frontier.co.uk/forumdi...

You can also discuss the game here on reddit:   / elitedangerous  


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