Chillicothe, Ohio: Defeatist Mentality

Описание к видео Chillicothe, Ohio: Defeatist Mentality

This video is a bit different. I'm not discussing my services here, but instead I'm discussing a topic that has been on my mind for years. Chillicothe, Ohio is a town that can have plenty going for it, but it's a town that chooses to accept less and not give its people what they really need. That is just a small hint of what you are about to listen to here.

Here is the link to the report on the Kern Tavern, by the way:

If the foundation of a community is unstable, it will eventually collapse one day. That is just how I feel, as someone who does everyday business in Chillicothe.

This video is possibly one of many that will discuss what is really going on in Chillicothe and why its current situation is what it is.


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