2019华乐情系列之《乐聚南洋 • 贰》马中新华乐名家演奏会- 08.笛子领奏《秦川抒怀》笛子 | 林信有、乐队 | 马来西亚中艺华乐团

Описание к видео 2019华乐情系列之《乐聚南洋 • 贰》马中新华乐名家演奏会- 08.笛子领奏《秦川抒怀》笛子 | 林信有、乐队 | 马来西亚中艺华乐团

2019华乐情系列之《乐聚南洋 • 贰》马中新华乐名家演奏会
Gather In Nanyang II - Chinese Music Concert 2019

日期 Date:22 Dec 2019 ( 星期日 SUN )
时间 Time :7:30 PM
地点 Venue:拉曼大学学院 (槟城分院)大礼堂 Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Penang Branch Campus, Dewan Utama.

笛子领奏 《秦川抒怀》 / 马迪 作曲 / 笛子:林信有 / 乐队:马来西亚中艺华乐团
笛子名曲《秦川抒怀》为笛子演奏家马迪于一九八零年所创作,在 海内外影响极广,多次被指定为国内及国际笛子大赛的曲目。此曲 取材于陕北传统戏曲音乐,是对欣欣向荣的秦川故土由衷地抒发赞 美之情。秦川指的是秦岭以北的平川地带,号称八百里秦川。 作者 借用陕北戏曲音乐中的“碗碗腔”,以笛子模仿板胡的特殊压弦 法,创造出了笛子的压揉音技巧,使笛子吹出类似板胡演奏“碗碗 腔”的效果。此曲委婉、奔放,感人至深,具有浓郁的陕北情韵。

Sentiment of Qin Chuan Dizi Solo
"Sentiment of Qin Chuan" was composed by the renowned flute musician Ma Di in 1980. It became a widely used piece locally and abroad as well as designated flute piece for various flute competitions. The song is based on the traditional opera music from northern Shaanxi as a heartfelt tribute to the flourishing hometown of Qinchuan, the Pingchuan area north of the Qinling Mountains, known as the Eight Hundred Miles Qinchuan. The composer integrated the “Wan Wan Qiang” in the Northern Shaanxi opera music, and used the flute to imitate the special compression string method of Banhu, and created the technique that recreates Wan Wan Qiang with flute. This song is euphemistic and unrestrained with a strong northern Shaanxi sentiment.


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