How to Make a Delicious Pimiento Cheese Spread! Easy Southern-Style Recipe.

Описание к видео How to Make a Delicious Pimiento Cheese Spread! Easy Southern-Style Recipe.

Nidia shows you how easy it is to make a real southern-style pimiento cheese spread.


1 block softened cream cheese
onion powder (1/2 tsp)
garlic powder (1/2 tsp)
mayonnaise (1 cup)
1 jar diced pimientos (4 oz)
3 cups shredded extra sharp cheddar cheese
cayenne/hot sauce to taste

Add jar of diced pimientos to softened cream cheese, blend well and then add mayonnaise, onion and garlic powder and mix all ingredients. Then slowly fold in the shredded (grated from a fresh block is better than pre-bought shredded) and incorporate and mix everything together.

You can taste it at this point to adjust any of the seasonings, or add anything additional you may want to include in your pimiento cheese.

Place contents in air tight container and refrigerate for about two hours. Serve, and garnish with additional hot sauce, if you like it spicier!


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