Whole Body Vibration Machine: 5 FACTS that it Different! [Benefits Explained]

Описание к видео Whole Body Vibration Machine: 5 FACTS that it Different! [Benefits Explained]

Whole Body Vibration Machines - 5 Facts that it DIFFERENT.
With Whole-body Vibration and getting results, I list why I believe there isn't anything that works as it does.
1. Workout time with Vibration Plates.
2. Muscle fiber type used with WBV.
3. Whole-body muscle activation - Whole Body Workouts.
4. Blood Sugar management.
5. Force = Mass x Acceleration
Whole Body ​Vibration machines have been around for over 50 years.
Researched by multiple Space Programs around the world.
#weightloss #vibrationmachine #weightlosstips #vibrationplate #wholebodyvibration #powerplate
Music: Art.list
Dr. Mike Moriearty D.C (ret.)
702 439 5457
Las Vegas
Camera Gear: Panasonic GH5, Canon XC10, Canon C200, Phantom 4 Pro
iMac 27" 2017


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