Camping, Hiking Hygiene - Crud Cloth Review

Описание к видео Camping, Hiking Hygiene - Crud Cloth Review

Staying clean in the outdoors can be difficult. Difficult indoors also if the grid should go down. The importance of good hygiene is a precursor to staying healthy and avoiding illness. We review the "Crud Cloth" a reusable washcloth in a bag. MORE BELOW...

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Disclaimer: This video is purely educational and does NOT constitute medical advice. The content in this video is my opinion and not that of my employer. Use of this information is at your own risk. Dan Williams,Psy.D.,P.A.-C. will not assume any liability for any direct losses or damages that may result from use of this information including but not limited to injury, illness or death.

#crudclothreview #keepcleanoutdoors #outdoorhygiene


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