1 - Shakes and ''Lip'' Trills with Peter Bond

Описание к видео 1 - Shakes and ''Lip'' Trills with Peter Bond

Lessons from the New Jersey Bunker of Peter Bond

Peter Bond has been a member of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra since 1992. Prior to his appointment to the Met, he was Principal Trumpet of the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra (1987-92).

Mr. Bond has an unusual background for an orchestral musician in that his formative years were spent in drum and bugle corps, big bands, and even the circus. He began serious study of orchestral playing while doing graduate work at Georgia State University in Atlanta with John Head, Principal Trumpet of the Atlanta Symphony. From 1980-87 he enjoyed a busy freelance career in the Atlanta area, and continued to study on an “outpatient “ basis with Chicago Symphony legends Vincent Cichowicz, Arnold Jacobs, and Adolf Herseth. In spite of his connection with the “Chicago” approach, Mr. Bond has developed his own unique pedagogy based on using speech and song as literal models for brass performance.

He is in demand both as a teacher and a soloist on cornet and trumpet.


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