A Radiant Pro Fixed My Decision Making (3 Insane tips!)

Описание к видео A Radiant Pro Fixed My Decision Making (3 Insane tips!)

In this VALORANT guide, we are breaking down your decision-making in matches. We will teach you how to fight and how to understand what fights are smart and which ones are not. You should always fight in Valorant, but knowing how to fight is the key to winning. Follow this advice from pro player Trick, take matters into your own hands and perfect your thinking!
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We at THE GUIDE want to help you guys improve at Valorant. With our in-depth approach, the tutorial videos and guides on this channel go beyond flashy tips claiming to fix your mistakes overnight. Instead, our goal is to help you understand how Valorant works, why certain mechanics and approaches make sense and how you can gain an edge over your opponents long term.

Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
1:29 Fighting Decisions
3:32 Impossible To Possible
6:03 Developing Your Accuracy

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► Music:
Epidemic Sounds - https://player.epidemicsound.com/
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