
Описание к видео #Firstanimationinblender

Welcome to my little channel, This is Ram and I am an Animation and Motion Designer. Other than my daily client projects and job hours i often enjoy making few tutorials and workshops to share my experience with artists growing in this field.#First animation in blender #blendertutorial#funny chicken animation #blender3d #blenderforbeginners
#First animation in blender #blendertutorial#funny chicken animation #blender3d #blenderforbeginners

#beauty blender
#car animationblender
#Firstanimationinblender #blendertutorial#funnychickenanimation #blender3d #blenderforbeginners
#Firstanimationinblender #blendertutorial#funnychickenanimation #blender3d #blenderforbeginners


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