Niklas Paschburg, Fejká, Bianca Steck - All the Secrets Left Untold (Fejká Remix)

Описание к видео Niklas Paschburg, Fejká, Bianca Steck - All the Secrets Left Untold (Fejká Remix)

All Links:
Stream here :)

It’s finally out today! I never get so excited when remixing my favourite artists, and this one even became a good friend over time :) @niklaspaschburg saved me so many times with his thoughtful and warming music that it was long overdue to give something back! @bianca.steck amazing vocals and songwriting really got stuck in my head and I am more than happy of how the song turned out in the end 🫶 find the link to it in my bio highlights! I also release a new DJ-Set for @mooncycles_mx which you can find on top of my Soundcloud page… tourdates on the last slide as always 🫶 let me know if you like the song!

18.5 Mechers Sur Gironde / @les_sables_electroniques
25.5 Hamburg / @futur2festival
14.6 Stuttgart @fridaspier @pulsing_music
22.6 Ireland / @beyondthepaleie
26.6 Madrid / @salaelsol
29.6 Istanbul / @zorlu_psm
30.6 Poland / @las_festival
27.7 Schwäbisch Hall / @die_letzte_liane
17.8 Frankfurt an der Oder/@buchtdertraeumerfestival
24.8 Stuttgart/ @wmg_festival


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