The exoskeleton that helps people with disabilities walk again

Описание к видео The exoskeleton that helps people with disabilities walk again

It looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. A robotic exoskeleton, that can mimic the movements of the human body, and even walk by itself. But the true technological wonder of the ‘Atalante X’ lies in its use for people with disabilities. For hundreds of years, people with lower limb impairments have had to rely on crutches and wheelchairs to navigate the world. However their mobility is still limited, and long-term wheelchair use can have negative effects on both physical and mental health.

RAZOR’s Reya El-Salahi went to Paris to meet the people who created the ‘Atalante X’ to deal with the problems associated with long term wheelchair use and to eventually help people walk, dance and play sports again.


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