Infinity Blade (iOS Longplay, FULL GAME, No Commentary)

Описание к видео Infinity Blade (iOS Longplay, FULL GAME, No Commentary)

Released in 2010 by Epic Games exclusively for iOS devices, Infinity Blade was the first mobile game to use the new Unreal Engine. Due to this, the visual fidelity was incredibly impressive for the time, garnering a lot of attention as a result and leading to Infinity Blade becoming the "fastest grossing app" ever at the time of its release.

The gameplay is fairly simple; block, parry or dodge incoming attacks by either tapping or swiping on the screen to provide openings for you to attack in retaliation, again either by tapping or swiping on the enemy. In between battles you are presented with branching paths to navigate, items to collect or chests to open by tapping the screen accordingly. There is no freedom of movement, instead opting to automatically move you between rooms or cutscenes when you are ready to proceed. Upon death, you are sent back to the beginning of the route but with the equipment, XP and money that you gained on your previous run, allowing you to become stronger with each attempt until you can make it to the end.

Intro - 0:00:00

Bloodline 1 (Underground Path) - 0:02:22
Bloodline 2 (Exterior Path) - 0:20:10
Bloodline 3 (Interior Path) - 0:44:44

Bad Ending - 1:02:40

Bloodline 4 (Underground Path) - 1:04:42
Bloodline 5 (Exterior Path) - 1:22:45

Good Ending - 1:43:29

Credits - 1:46:29
Outro - 1:47:59

I had a great time with this game! Repetitive sure, but also extremely addicting at the same time. I never actually played any of the Infinity Blade games back in the day so it was great to finally experience it 😊

​‪@InfinityBladeFans‬ ‪@EpicGamesStore‬


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